A senior woman embracing her granddaughter and laughing. They are wearing casual clothing and are sitting in a garden at a baby shower.

You’ve watched the videos on TikTok. Babies hearing their mother’s voices for the first time after being fitted for a hearing aid. In some videos, the baby is uncertain initially. When the doctor attempts to put the hearing aid in their ears, they put up a fight. Before they smile with delight, they might cry a bit. They’re overtaken with a range of emotions. They’re apprehensive about what to expect. But finally, their hearing is revived and the world abruptly opens up. The laughter and the smiles are enough to cause you to burst into tears of joy!

But anybody can have this life-changing moment.

If you’re feeling concerned about using a hearing aid, you’re not alone. You don’t have to be a child to feel a bit wary of this new experience.
Let’s explore how people of any age might cry tears of joy when they use their hearing aid.

Music to your ears

You might not have even noticed it. It progressed so gradually. You quit listening to music. You’re just not that into it now. It even annoys you sometimes. And the higher the volume the more annoying it becomes.

It’s not just volume that is impacted by hearing loss. It impacts how you hear different pitches and notes.
Music is made of notes of sound that mix and travel as waves that are then detected by your ears. Music just isn’t the same if you are unable to hear the amazing complexity of the notes.

When you use your hearing aid, all of a sudden you can hear those once-missing tones. Once again, music comes to life. It was once a wonderful pleasure in your life and now you have it back.

A child’s laughter

Do you recollect the sound of a child laughing? You might have forgotten this wonderful sound experience if you have chosen not to use your hearing aids. Rejuvenate your ability to hear and rediscover these enchanting moments with your grandkids.

Restored relationships

Relationships can be substantially strained by disregarded hearing loss. It annoys people and causes misconceptions. They tend to argue more. And the individual with hearing loss will frequently feel like a burden causing them to seclude themselves.

While others are talking and enjoying each other’s company, the individual with hearing loss will feel disconnected and will often separate themselves.

Hobbies less satisfying so you’ve given many of them up?

The simple act of getting your hearing back will breathe new life into your relationships with a partner, siblings, kids, and friends.
Restore your ability to talk to each other. Talk long into the night. Do all of the things you enjoy with the people you love.

If you miss this in your life, it’s time to reassess that hearing aid.

You feel safer at home

Do you feel troubled about what you can’t hear? If a loved one was hurt and calling out to you, would you hear them? Would you be able to hear the doorbell, oven timer, or smoke alarm? Could you miss an important phone call because you didn’t even hear it ring?

Do you worry that you won’t hear oncoming traffic or pedestrian signals when out for a walk?

When we are in places where we should feel very secure, hearing loss can cause us to feel quite uneasy. But you put yourself at ease and more thoroughly enjoy life when you use hearing aids. This is called peace of mind.

Whatever you’re missing, you may not even realize it

Just like the babies who’ve never heard their mother’s voices, you may not know what you’re missing. In most instances, hearing loss is a gradual progressive process. It’s possible that you’ve forgotten what hearing well is like.

You’ll be surprised when, suddenly, you can hear again. You’ll wish you addressed it sooner. Think you may have some degree of hearing loss? Give us a call today to schedule a hearing assessment and discover what you’ve been missing.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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